News and Announcements
Spring 2021 Registration Opens February 13 at 8:00AM
The Spring 2021 season will run March 1 – May 27. Registration for all leagues will open online at at 8:00 am, Saturday, February 13.
Spring leagues are as noted below:
• Monday night ladies doubles (rotate partners) 6:30pm
• Tuesday night men’s doubles (rotate partners) 6:30pm
• Wednesday night mixed doubles (fixed partners) 6:30pm
• Thursday night mixed doubles (fixed partners) 6:30pm
• Co-ed Singles
Items to note:
• Due to the COVID situation, in addition to following all the recommendations of USTA, the CDC and other health officials regarding the use of hand sanitizers, social distancing and when to self-quarantine (when feeling sick, been exposed to a person who tested positive or having travels outside the area especially internationally), the Board is making 2 requests of players during this pandemic:
1. Notify your ramrod whenever you have a sub so he/she is aware of all the players each night.
2. If you test positive please alert anyone with whom you may have played during the last 2 weeks.
• Mixed Doubles players must be registered as a TEAM with the cost of both players for that league bundled into one transaction. One person per team registers and pays for both players.
• Look for the “Register Now” button on the left side of the home page at
• If you log on before 8:00 am, you may need to refresh your browser to access current session links.
• If you have not paid your annual dues this year, please add “Membership Dues” to your “shopping cart”.
• If a league fills up, you can request to be put on the wait list. Please do this! The Ramrod for each league will confirm if they can include you.
• Unless you want to join the ACTIVE membership, DO NOT choose “Accept” at the end of registration, choose “No Thanks” instead.
We look forward to seeing you on the courts! Stay safe and have fun!
RRTA Board of Directors!
2020 Holiday Party & Upcoming Seasons
Hello fellow tennis fan!
Due to COVID, we wanted to formally let you know there will be no Holiday party this year. Go away COVID! We hope we will be able to celebrate together in December 2021.
At the December party, we usually have a board meeting and vote on the new slate of officers. Please be on the lookout for a separate email coming out soon to vote electronically on the new board officers.
This winter we will again be offering a Polar Bear season. However, due to the demand of courts in the evening and to ensure we have reserved courts, Polar Bear will be a paid season in the winter of 2021. The Polar Bear season will run January 4 through February 18. Sign up will begin on Saturday, December 12 at 8AM. The cost for the 2021 Polar Bear league will be $20.
The 2021 Spring season will run March 1 through May 27. Spring sign up will begin on Saturday, February 13 at 8AM.
We are working on a full 2021 calendar. Please check the RRTA website often for updates and check out the “Calendar – Year at a Glance” area for a quick glance at 2021 dates.
We hope you all are staying safe and able to play some tennis during these strange times of 2020!
See you on the courts,
RRTA Board of Directors
Fall 2020 League Registration Opens Aug 22, 8AM
The Fall 2020 season will run September 12 – November 20. Registration for all leagues will open online at at 8:00 am, Saturday, August 22.
Fall leagues are as noted below:
• Monday night ladies doubles (rotate partners) 6:30pm
• Tuesday night men’s doubles (rotate partners) 6:30pm
• Wednesday night mixed doubles (fixed partners) 6:30pm
• Thursday night mixed doubles (fixed partners) 6:30pm
• Co-ed Singles
Items to note:
• Due to the COVID situation, in addition to following all the recommendations of USTA, the CDC and other health officials regarding the use of hand sanitizers, social distancing and when to self-quarantine (when feeling sick, been exposed to a person who tested positive or having travels outside the area especially internationally), the Board is making 2 requests of players during this pandemic: 1. Notify your ramrod whenever you have a sub so he/she is aware of all the players each night. 2. If you test positive please alert anyone with whom you may have played during the last 2 weeks.
• Mixed Doubles players must be registered as a TEAM with the cost of both players for that league bundled into one transaction. One person per team registers and pays for both players.
• Look for the “Register Now” button on the left side of the home page at
• If you log on before 8:00 am, you may need to refresh your browser to access current session links.
• If you have not paid your annual dues this year, please add “Membership Dues” to your “shopping cart”.
• If a league fills up, you can request to be put on the wait list. Please do this! The Ramrod for each league will confirm if they can include you.
• Unless you want to join the ACTIVE membership, DO NOT choose “accept” at the end of registration, choose “No Thanks” instead.
We look forward to seeing you on the courts!
RRTA Board of Directors!
RRTA Board of Directors Statement, RE: Covid-19
Please note the following memo from the RRTA Board of Directors (7/23/2020)
Round Rock Tennis Association VS Covid -19
In addition to following all the recommendations of USTA, the CDC and other health officials regarding the use of hand sanitizers, social distancing and when to self-quarantine (when feeling sick, been exposed to a person who tested positive or having travels outside the area especially internationally), the RRTA Board is making 2 requests of players during this pandemic:
1.Notify your ramrod when ever you have a sub so he/she is aware of all the players each night.
2. If you test positive please alert anyone with whom you may have played during the last 2 weeks.
Tournament Masks
Thank you to everyone that participated in our RRTA doubles tournament. If you would like to purchase a mask similar to what the winners received, please contact Erica and Danielle RIMES-OCHOA at